Thursday, August 14, 2008


It's been a tough week.

I've been having some pain in my side and stomach so I went to the doc. She ordered a CT scan with contrast. While I was having the scan, my vein collapsed sending the iodine contrast into my hand rather than through my vein. It hurt like nothing I've ever had hurt. I yelled rather loudly for them to stop the test and called on Jesus to help me.

More than once.

Did I mention loudly?

The top of my hand swelled up like a goose egg but the radiologist said my hand would be back to normal by 2pm or 3 pm that same day.

It wasn't.

So I went to my primary care doc. He called his radiologist colleague who said to wrap it and hold it above my heart. He wrapped it and I bought Popeye's chicken for supper. My hand stayed swollen until the next morning.

While my hand was hurting so bad that I cried I thought of those who are chronically ill and hurt badly all the time. My CT test results showed I have a light case of diverticulitis and a kidney stone, but I'm on antibiotics and I should feel better soon. I am tired and my body hurts tonight but I don't have cancer and my severe pain was short-lived.

And Jesus did help me.

My hand is back to normal and by His grace I'll feel better soon.

Lord Jesus, thank you for helping me the other day during my crisis. I was scared and hurting and you rescued me. Please touch the one who suffers daily with constant pain and disease and ease her suffering. Ease his suffering. Let them feel your presence in the midst of their hurt. You made us, Father. You are our healer. We depend upon you. Your word says ...for I am the LORD that healeth thee. Exodus 15:26 and we believe your Word.

Thank you, Lord. Thank you for your loving touch.


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