Wednesday, August 6, 2008

too much fun

Grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged...Proverbs 17:6

Summer and Hannah came home with Kayla and me yesterday after a little school shopping with their mom and me. As we were on our way home, Summer said,

"Suzy, I had too much fun today!"

It surprised me to hear a 7 yr old say it at all, nevermind her saying it so matter of factly.

"You did? How did you have too much fun, Summer?"

"Suzy, I just had too too much fun today! Too much fun."

"Summer, HOW did you have too much fun? Tell me about it."

She was smiling and thoughtful going over the day in her mind. She wasn't being silly at all when she told me about her "too much fun-day."

"First, we went to Isabelle's house to play. We put sparkly eye shadow on and looked pretty. Then we went to Sonny's for lunch with you and Kayla and it was good. Then we went shopping and I got two new shorts and tops for school. Then we went to Publix and you bought me Mentos. Now I'm coming over to your house and we're having dinner. I just had too much fun today. I just had too much fun."

Spending time with her best friend prettying themselves up. Simple, good food for lunch with good company. A couple new school outfits at great sale prices. A small treat at the grocery store from your grandmother. Relaxing at your Suzy's house watching tv before dinner. Spending time with family and more good food. No fireworks, no theme parks, no extravagant gifts, no big crowds. It was pretty simple, huh?

Some of my best-ever life experiences have been the least expensive and the least complicated and some of the simplest yet best lessons I've ever learned have been at the hand of my children and grandchildren The Lord is good to me and I am grateful.

The life of the godly is full of light and joy...Proverbs 13:9

I had too much fun, too.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Isn't it great! It does seem that the best gift to a child is the box that it came in. It sounds like you made a great memory.