Thursday, January 31, 2008

four simple words

The Lord in his infinite grace speaks to me simply and directly with words even a child can understand.

It was Missions Sunday. The sanctuary was decorated with the flags of other countries and we were going to hear a great missionary speak. There was excitement in the air because of the love our people have for missions and reaching the lost of the world. During worship, we were singing a beautiful song about the Lord, how great He is and that He is worthy of praise, when my mind wandered for just a second--only a second. I thought of our upcoming trip to Jamaica and the children's home there. I thought of preparations to be made, etc. They were not bad thoughts but it wasn't the time nor the place for them. In a split second the Lord quietly spoke to my heart and said, "This is about me."

In those four words I was instructed, chastened, and loved. In my heart I replied, "Yes, Lord it is about you." Immediately I reigned in my thoughts and resumed praising the Lord. Afterward, each time my mind drifted His words echoed in my thoughts to bring me back to the moment. He was right. It is about Him. It's all about Him. Church, missions, praise...

Worship time is for Him. It's not time to think godly thoughts, except to praise Him, and it's not time to plan godly duties. It's time to show the Lord our gratitude. To get our eyes off ourselves and onto Him. He brought me into focus with gentle words. I never once felt like I was in trouble. I can I describe it? It felt nice and I knew I was loved. Even in correction, in instruction, I felt loved.

So this week, when I was troubled by some news about a family member (nothing big at this point--but there is the possibility of something more serious later), even then I remembered the Lord's words to me. "This is about me." Everything that happens to us as his children, is about Him. It's not about us or our challenges. Every problem, every heartache, every trouble is an opportunity for the Lord to show us it's all about Him--and his all sufficiency.

I am thankful for four simple words from the Lord. He helps me understand how safe I am because of how big He is.

I love you all.

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