Thursday, January 24, 2008

simple steps

I guess it's human nature to complicate that which the Lord makes so simple. When I was a new believer I was guilty of wanting to do things so perfectly right that I made it impossible to live up to my own standards, many of which had nothing to do with God's grace and mercy.

I was sincere and enthusiastic. I wanted to look just right, pray just right, do just the right things, and say all the right words because I was trying to make myself into what I thought a good Christian was. I tried so hard to do it myself that I was often judgemental of those who didn't live up to my standards. But it is Christ who is the one best suited to help us grow in wisdom, maturity and beauty of spirit--and He does so in His own time and more gently than we ever could.

Does it sometimes seem complicated to be a Christian? What about all the rules and terminology? What is our call from the Lord? Exactly what are we supposed to do? Go to church? Pray? Help others in need? Study the Bible? Witness and worship? Sure. Truth is, we want a list. We want steps 1, 2, 3. It can be a daunting task for new believers to know exactly what they are to do as Christians.

For those of us who have been saved longer, we often get lost in all the 'work' we need to do for the Lord and our focus can become skewed. Many times we make things more complicated than Christ himself did when he stopped Saul on his way to Damascus, when what He told him was actually very simple. (Acts 26: 15-18)

After identifying himself to Saul (soon to be renamed Paul), Jesus told him to tell others what he had seen of him and of the things He would show him in the future. He assured his safety with the Jews and the Gentiles and that the purpose of his witness to them was so they would see the truth, the light of Christ. They would turn from Satan to the Lord to also be forgiven of their sins, and go to heaven and be with others of like faith in Jesus.

According to what Jesus told Saul, here are our steps 1, 2, 3.
1. Tell others what the Lord has done for you and about your relationship with Him.
2. Trust the Lord for your personal safety.
3. Lead others to know Christ for the forgiveness of their sins so they can go to heaven, too.

So, new believer, relax and grow in the nurture and grace of the Lord. He will make you as He wills. For us who are longer in the faith, let's encourage our new ones and also be encouraged. He who has begun a good work in us will be faithful to complete it.

I love you all.

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