Friday, July 17, 2009

Ride With Purpose--Day 2

Our second day on the road was wet. Twice. Our route took us down gorgeous back roads that had few places to pull off. When we saw the storm building and heard the thunder we started looking for a place to prepare for some wet riding. Some of us put on our rainsuits and some of us thought we would be able to avoid the storm. Some of us were wrong.

Shortly after we rode away from the little convenience store in the middle of nowhere the rain started coming down in buckets. It was amazing! Those in our group who HAD put on their suits were feeling a little bit proud of themselves about the whole event. We, I mean, they, still got pretty wet but not as wet as the others who hadn't prepared. Most of the others were drenched.

After a while the rain let up and the sun began to shine once more. Our group pulled off on the side of the road to remove their wet rainsuits and recuperate from the tough ride in the storm. Shortly, we were all on the road. It was a beautiful day again. For a short time anyway. That's when the rain came up on us so suddenly that there was no time to redress in our rain gear. Our whole group was once again riding in a downpour! Now everyone was in the same very wet boat!

We had to laugh about it all. Pastor Gary said there were two lessons to be gotten out of the whole experience.

Lesson # 1: It is often wise to take the advice of someone with more experience.

Lesson # 2: It's wise not to be too smug when someone less experienced doesn't take your advice and suffers the consequences.

When we got to our hotel and Tammy and Loretta were so glad to be there they jumped into the pool with all their clothes on. Crazy girls! What a hoot! After cleaning up we went to a small restaurant and had a really nice dinner together.

We have been stopping to pray twice during each day on the road. We are adding new names and situations to the list every time. We are praying for you all at home and these times are becoming more special each time we pray. The Lord is speaking to us and showing us His hand in our trip. We see the beauty of His handiwork all around us and apply His word to our lives as we share our thoughts and experiences with one another.

Our days are fun, but also long and hard work. The guys riding the bikes put in hour after hour maneuvering the bikes safely in traffic and out on the open road. It is hard work but so worth it.
Our group draws attention wherever we go and doors open to share the purpose of our ride. We are a tired but a happy group and the Lord is good.

Father, What a great time we are having together and with one another in the heat or the rain or the cool breezes. You are ever present in our thoughts and our lives. We love you so much. Thank you for this unique time on the road.


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