Saturday, July 11, 2009

13 yr old girls and sparkling moments

Byron and I had some errands to do this evening. We were stopped at a light in Tavares and a young girl of about 13 years old who was riding in the back seat of her mother's car with her friend, opened her window, smiled a kid smile and motioned for Byron to open his window to talk.

"Hi! What's your name?"


I leaned over to see who was talking and she asked me, "What's your name?"

"Sue." I waved at her and she said her name was Kristin and her friend was Tonia.

After a few seconds of pleasantries; "Are you on vacation?" "Have you been shopping?" "Nice truck!" "Have a good evening!"

The mom laughed at her silly girls, the light changed to green and the friendly encounter was done. What fun! Now I know the girls were goofing around. Heaven knows I did a bunch of that stuff when I was about that age; waving at strangers, striking up conversations with anyone who would listen and acting way more outgoing with my friends around than I ever would have alone but this is the first time I've been on the receiving end of a 13 yr olds fun loving boldness. I loved it!

I'll just bet we weren't the only ones in that part of town that were interviewed car window to car window today. With young teens, one success usually leads to another and another. I hope everyone they spoke to enjoyed the short conversation with these two young girls as much as we did but I can almost guarantee there were one or two attempts that were thwarted by indifference or even fear. As for me, I'm glad they picked us to speak to. It was fun and the girls' exuberance made my evening.

This short encounter today reminded me of a much simpler, more innocent time. A time when a conversation with a stranger wasn't something to fear or avoid. For a few minutes there weren't car jackings and home invasions. Stalking didn't exist and Tavares, Fl seemed fleetingly just a tiny bit like Mayberry. OK, maybe Mayberry is pushing it a little but I think you know what I mean. For a moment, just a moment...

Life isn't made of years, months or even days. It's the moments that make our lives. The cute thing your grandkid says, the funny thing that happened when it wasn't supposed to be funny, the sweet gesture your husband performs just when you need it most, a timely phone call or card from a friend, a silly, good hearted conversation with teens you don't know--that split second realization that right now is special. If we miss these moments, if we overlook their value, if we ignore them, we miss the essence of some of the best experiences in our lives.

1Peter 1:24 As the Scriptures say, “People are like grass; their beauty is like a flower in the field. The grass withers and the flower fades. 25 But the word of the Lord remains forever.”

Life is fleeting. People wither and fade and what we keep with us are our memories of moments. Pay attention to what's going on around you. If we don't become aware of the moments that sparkle, we lose them forever. So enjoy that "inconvenient" conversation with your friend or that older lady in the grocery store who can't find the tea she likes, or the teen in the car with her friend and her mother. Make time to literally stop and smell the roses, to genuinely enjoy that cup of coffee, and consider the lillies.

Father, Thank you for sparkling moments. Thank you for making me aware of each one and for helping me stop and enjoy them. I am grateful for your gifts to me. I love you so very much.


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