Saturday, July 18, 2009

Days 4 and 5

The main thing we had planned on Day 4 was the ride up Hwy 129 up to Deal's Gap--the road known as The Tail of the Dragon. It is a mountain road that has 318 curves in 11 miles. Many people come to Tennessee just to take the challenging ride--and we were no exception. The guys had talked about it and looked forward to it for the whole trip. The ride was wild and woolly and great fun and we were all totally pumped after the whole experience. When we reached the top of the mountain we bought tee shirts at the store up there. It was fun ride and I'm glad we got to experience it together.

After the Tail of the Dragon, we headed over the mountains and country roads to meet Tammy with the truck. She didn't drive the wild ride but went across to where we would come down from the mountain. It was a longer ride than we expected and she waited patiently for us for several hours in little town called Etowah. We met her there and then all of us went to a cute ice cream shop where we ate burgers and wings for our dinner. When we all fueled up we rode another hour or two till we found a hotel for the night. As much fun as we had today, we were exhausted and couldn't wait to get some rest.

Day 5

We got up early and had our devotions and prayer in our hotel parking lot in the cool of the morning. It was a precious time with each other and in the Lord. We prayed for you all and also for our church services at home. Pastor Gary read us scripture from Ephesians and encouraged us in the Lord. It was a great start to a great day. We rode hard as we began our descent south and home. The roads were good back ones that had little traffic so we clicked along quickly. There was one incident where we had to stop because Byron had a bee in his shirt. It stung him once and we got it out of his shirt but it wasn't too long before there were two more stings. He thinks they were flying into his sleeves and down his shirt to sting him! It was a painful thing for sure. I wonder if I could hold a motorcycle on the road while being stung repeatedly by bees!

At one of our afternoon stops for gas we walked across the road and bought some lovely Georgia peaches. The woman selling them said they were grown only 3 miles from where we bought them! Several of us ate one right then and there. They were marvelous! There's nothing better tasting than a really good piece of fruit--and these were delicious. What a treat!

Onward we rode to our final destination: Albany, GA and our hotel for the night. Everyone is very tired and looking forward to the quiet evening before our last full day of riding and home. It's been a good day. Everyone has fulfilled their place to make things run smoothly. Tammy has faithfully driven the truck and trailer everywhere we've gone. Without her we wouldn't have been able to take our suitcases and other necessities for the whole trip. She never complained and never stopped being our safety net. The trailer she pulled most everywhere was there in case one of the bikes broke and needed repair. Not only was Tammy fun and a blessing to have with us, she was a great help to all of us. We thank the Lord for dear Tammy.

Each one of us fulfilled a place on this trip. We may never know exactly what role we played these last 6 days. Only the Lord knows all the ends and outs of what was accomplished together. I know we had a fun time. I know we communed with the Lord and I know He spoke to us. I know we built and strengthened friendships and relationships together. The atmosphere of this trip was like a mission trip. It was rich and deep and good. I know I grew in the Lord. I know I heard from Him.

Father, What a blessing you've given us with this trip. We thought it would be mostly vacation and fun...and it was those things but it was also so much more. It was, it is time with you and your children. What a good time! Thank you, thank you! I love you, Jesus. So very much.


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