Tuesday, September 6, 2011

planning for Africa

We had an organizational meeting about the Africa trip last night and everything went well. We met a couple new guys who are going with us on the first leg of the month long mission and I think they will work well with our team. There was talk of immunizations, flights, baggage, what to take, tools, mud for the blocks, how many block there are to lay and how many the team can lay in a day. I thought about my roll in the mission, cooking and helping with team support and wondered if I am up to the task. Sleep eluded me all night last night as I mentally went over my list of things to remember, to buy, and to do before our date to leave.

Byron and I went to the doc today for new prescriptions and advice about malaria and travelers diarrhea--ever present possibilities when going to a third world country. I wrote out my list of errands to do and purchases to make and with each check off, I thought of two more to add!

I know I'm stressing over this stuff and I don't want to. I'm sure if I were more confident in my ability to organize, I wouldn't keep going over these things, but I'm not, so I stress. But it's really ok. I'm not in a tizzy or anything, I'm just trying to be thorough. I am really looking forward to this adventure. I can't wait to go to church with our African brothers and sisters! Their services are such celebrations with great music and dancing! It's different and worshipful and fun :) I wish I knew more Spanish so I could communicate better, so I'm going to drag out my Spanish textbook from community college and see if I can refresh my memory a bit. I'm sure it will help some!

It's going to be a good trip! I just know it will! It will be hard work, but it will be good. The Lord has His hand all over this one in the way it was brought up and worked out. It was only June when our team was asked to come--and now, with the Lord's help, we are leaving Sept 30 and will return Oct 28! How's that for amazing? What a privilege to be doing this!

Serving the Lord is nothing if not exciting! Please pray for the team as we move toward our departure date.

Father, you amaze me! I am in awe of your providence and ability to orchestrate circumstances and situations. There is no one like you! I'm so happy to be called your friend:) Thank you for your love and your guidance. I love you utterly.


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