Tuesday, December 23, 2008

freaking out and fun

Did you ever bite off more bubblegum than you could chew? I've done it both ways, in fact, and in essence. Neither way is pleasant. That's the way I feel right now. Like my necessary requirements loom too large over my emotional resources. It's a common feeling for me when I'm having friends and family over to my house for dinner, etc.

You see, the other night, on the spur of the moment, I added several families to my dinner on Christmas Eve. Please understand, these are our dearest friends and I am looking so forward to spending this special evening with them all, but anytime I invite guests to our home, I tend to stress about the niggly details of their comfort. Where will everyone sit? Will the house be too crowded for comfort? What will the children do for fun? I don't worry about having too little food. I tend to overcompensate with the amount of it. I would simply croak over if I had to worry about having enough food AND places to sit, but I will think about the glitches and the challenges of many people in a small house and will plan and fret over how it will all work out.

I will call on my husband and daughters for help, and they will gladly assist me--but I will still stress about the final outcome. The time for the event will arrive and I will freak just one more time and then I'll be fine and will have a great time with all those at our home.

That's just the way I am. I don't like it very much, but that's how I seem to function. Freak, then fun. You know, my life would be much more relaxed and enjoyable if I could skip the freaking part. Maybe when I'm older...

So, this morning, I called out to the Lord to help me pull this all together for tomorrow night. He reminded me of a get together with Jesus at the home of Lazarus', Martha and Mary. Martha was freaking out in the kitchen about all the work to do while her sister, Mary, was focusing on the more important part of the gathering--listening to Jesus--enjoying their guests. I doubt that there were planned activities for the kids and I'll bet the kitchen was a mess. I can almost guarantee there weren't enough seats at the table for each one to have their own perfect place setting--and that's pretty much how it will be at my house on Christmas Eve. And while, I will strive to make our friends and family comfortable, I'm no Martha Stewart or Sandra Lee with gorgeous tablescapes, I can guarantee this.

What we will have here at our house, Lord willing, are tons of good food, and oceans of love for one another as we come together to celebrate our friendship and ultimately the birth of Jesus, our Savior.

I feel much better now after venting about my home entertaining insecurities. I am going to get up from here and clean out that refrigerator so I can fill it up with new food for the next couple of celebration days.

Father, thank you for helping me put this family event into perspective. Help me keep the main thing, the main thing. I love our family and friends so very much and only want them to feel comfortable and loved in our home. You are the perfect one to make this happen. Thank you for sending your perfect Son for us. Thank you for Jesus. I love you so very much.


I hope you all keep the main thing, the main thing, this Christmas. Merry Christmas to you all. It's going to be a great time. I just know it.


Anonymous said...

we won't let ya freak out too long, ma. we love you! :)

Suz said...

I know, honey. I feel better all ready. :) I love you, too.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful thing it would be to sit down at your table. I simply must do that soon.
I miss you and love you.

Suz said...

Anytime, Rosie, anytime. It will be my pleasure and I won't freak...I promise. :)

Love you, too