Monday, September 1, 2008

small things

My friend Rose sent me this email today. It touched my heart and I thought you may be blessed by it, too.


Good evening my dear friend.

I wanted to tell you about what I would term a 'miracle'. It started last Wednesday and came to a head on Friday.

Wednesday, my sister, Paulette, and I took my dad back to the hearing aid center so that he could tell them whether or not he would keep the hearing aids that he was trying out. There was no doubt that he can hear somewhat better using the new hearing aids, however, they are not very cost effective and knowing my dad's history of being cheap...ahhhhhh, frugal, I was prepared to go into the doctors office checkbook in hand.

When he found out how much the hearing aids were going to cost, he immediately went into lockdown. I asked the doctor to step out of the room and I told her to just make a bill out for what my dad had expected to pay and my husband and I would pick up the balance. My dad still had a difficult time writing the check but after some assistance he signed the check. I'm just glad we were able to help.

While we were setting up for his next appointment in 90 days, he keep saying to me "I want to talk to you when we get out of here."

He suspected that I had written a check for the difference of the hearing aids, and I didn't want to argue with him so I kept telling him I didn't have time to discuss things right now, that I needed to get back to work. I said this in a teasing way.

When we left the building, he said, "You wrote a check in there, didn't you?" I told him, "Yes."

Suzanne, he looked so upset, and so I said a fast prayer for God's strength and this is what came out of my mouth:

"This isn't just for you, Daddy. This is for all of us. We miss you. We want you to be part of our lives. You have your health, Dad, and, even more, you are very blessed."

He looked at me and after a moment said, "Well, I don't know about my health (laughing), but I know that I am very blessed."

I answered, "We are all blessed. Welcome to our world."

He smiled and he was truly happy. (But not with having to write such a large check!) :)

On Friday, Louie, Amy, Louis and I met Dad and Paulette at a restaurant for lunch in Keller because we needed to pick up some parts from them. When everyone first got out of their cars, Dad greeted everyone with a big smile and a hug and was actually able to know what everyone was saying to him. The look on their faces was priceless.

But that isn't the best part.

When we were waiting for our meal, for the first time in many years, Dad actually had a conversation with his grandkids. Somehow the conversation got around to buildings or something like that and....get dad suddenly started singing a song from the movie Oklahoma!!! It was absolutely incredible. I looked at him and he looked at me and we both had tears in our eyes. I don't know when I have loved my dad more than that moment. I will never, ever forget the look we exchanged from across the table.

I realize it was a simple, everyday occurrence for many people to have lunch and have a conversation with those people that they love, but for me it was a dream come true. To witness the joy that my dad brought to my family and was priceless.

Thanks for listening.

And Suzanne, yes, God is very, very good.


What a beautiful story! The Lord shows us that it is the small thing that can harm or bless us. The little foxes spoil the vine, but it's the meal and oil for one last loaf of bread, a cup of water given in His name, the widow's mite, kindness shown to the stranger who may be Jesus or an angel, and it is the time spent with family and friends that can show us His love in action.

I'm happy for you and your Dad and your family, Rose. I know it's good to have him back. I love you.


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