Friday, April 10, 2009

my tough week and looking forward

It's been a tough week. Monday I woke up with a migraine headache that I just couldn't seem to shake--no matter how many Advil I took. I slept much of the day only getting up long enough to take the pups outside or answer the phone. And yet the headache hung on...and on...and on. I rested in the recliner. I lay on the bed. I stretched out on the couch. Nothing helped.

I slept all Monday night and by Tuesday, the pain in my head eased up, but because of all the laying down the day before in many different positions, my neck went out and that's when the vertigo set in. It has been an ongoing problem for many years now. Sleep in a new position--vertigo. Sleep on a different pillow--vertigo. It's miserable and, as a bonus, a quickly spinning room makes for a very nauseous stomach. Misery hits a new high. I wouldn't wish the experience on any other human being.

So, I prayed and took my medicine and slept some more and every day since Tuesday, the vertigo has subsided some each day. It's Friday now and I'm mostly back to my normal. I'm a pretty happy girl. Loving the stationary rooms. Loving the gorgeous weather. Loving that it's Easter weekend.

Being out of pocket for a few days makes a girl think about stuff. Like all the things I was going to do but simply wasn't able to accomplish. There were all kinds of errands I could have checked off my to do list. The laundry just sat there...crawling up the wall a foot at a time. I wanted to go and do and visit and complete tasks. It all stayed undone.

And, guess what happened? Nothing. The ceiling didn't fall in. No one from Walmart pounded on my door and fussed at me because I didn't get there for supplies. The mailman didn't get mad because I didn't check my mail for a day or two. No one in our family starved or walked around town in filthy clothes. Kayla still got up on time and got off to school with books and lunch in tow. And with the exception of one or two missteps the pups always got outside on time to check their pee-mail.

While I was down I worried some about how I'd handle the busy upcoming Easter weekend if I still couldn't function well when it rolled around. My little Summer is having her birthday party Saturday and I needed to buy her a present and I wanted to go there and celebrate with her. I love the sunrise service on Easter Sunday and in the afternoon on Easter my kids and their kids are coming to dinner at our house so I needed to shop for food and prepare for festivities. So much to do--what if I couldn't do it? I worried about it for a while and then I decided if I couldn't get it done, I'd just have to do it later, when I was able to do it.

Now that I'm feeling more like myself, I'm looking forward with anticipation. I'm looking forward to Summer's party tomorrow. It's not every day my granddaughter celebrates her eighth birthday! And I'm looking forward to Sunrise Service on Easter Sunday. What a joy to celebrate our Savior's Resurrection! And I'm looking forward to my kids coming over for dinner on Sunday afternoon. I have a new dessert I want to try out on them.

It's a celebration weekend all the way around. I love looking forward. What a great time it will be!

Father, Thank you for Jesus Ressurection! Without the Lord's ressurection there would be no looking forward. Thank you for raising me up from a sick bed this week. Thank you for helping me to look forward. With You, all of life is looking forward. It's going to be a great weekend. I love you, Lord. I love you.



Alice said...

I am sorry you where feeling bad, I learned something new! I did not know you had migraines or problems with vertigo. Glad you are starting to feel better my dear!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure she has always had these problems, Alice. I think she is just getting old. Oh wait, I'm older. Never mind.