Saturday, February 26, 2011

a happy heart

If there's anything that's true it's that change is inevitable. Yep, change is the constant. Many years ago, we had a minister that often said, "If you don't like how things are now, just hang around and it will change soon." And it always did.

We're adjusting to some changes and some of them are a bit challenging, and I mention them merely as an observation--not as a complaint. The Lord has been so good to us, I've got NOTHING to complain about. Gotta love downsizing our expenses! We're giving up a few things, but nothing earth shattering at this point. I no longer have my IPhone with the internet constantly at my fingertips--and it seems odd to be even a little disconnected but I'm beginning to like it. I still have a phone, but just not all the bells and whistles.

We've also changed to a satellite tv company instead of cable and I no longer have a million channels with still nothing special to watch--although I do miss Jerseylicious. I know. I know. But I liked it! Olivia is my girl. Gotta love the underdog :) I still get to watch my eclectic group of favorite shows: Top Chef, Chopped, Hoarders, Animal Cops, Dogs 101, Judge Judy, Lockup, Bones and Law and Order, Criminal Intent reruns. I just love Bobby Goren. He's a crime fighting savant, for goodness sakes. Please, no comments about my selections. We all have our weaknesses and quirks :)

We are also considering and reconsidering purchases before making them now. Do we really need this? Is there something else we could use to make do? Can I borrow it or find it secondhand? Though we are making adjustments because of economic changes, the facts are that we have a comfortable home, clothing on our backs, a vehicle in good shape with fuel, a healthy family, fat healthy dogs, and we haven't missed a meal yet--but ultimately, we have a heavenly Father who loves us utterly and takes care of us completely. So, I cannot--I do not consider these changes bad. They're just different. Period.

I am reminded daily that this world is not the be all and end all for us Christians. Our hope lies not in the checkbook balance nor the toys we possess. Our hope lies in Christ alone.

"In Christ alone my hope is found He is my light, my strength, my song.
This Cornerstone, this solid ground firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace when fears are stilled, when strivings cease. My Comforter, my All in All here in the love of Christ I stand."

I don't know if our circumstances will change anytime soon, but I'm not worried. We are only passing through this place and will soon spend forever with the One who loved us even when we were so very unlovable.

Thank you Lord for your good care of us. You are our generous, loving Father who meets our every need. I have a happy heart. I love you.


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