Tuesday, July 6, 2010

a sweet savor

The skies were beautiful. No rain today. As we rode through the Alabama hills I caught the blend of the medicinal scent of pines and the sweet aroma of wildflowers in the heat of the day. I was immediately carried back to our family vacations in northern Georgia and its mountain flora. They were simple pleasures during a less complicated time. It was a time for enjoying one another without the distraction of extreme activities. We built relationship, one meal, one conversation at a time bathed in the scents of a southern summer.

As our group explores back roads in the south and enjoys our Creator's handiwork in sight and scents of these southern hills, we don't always know what lies around the next corner, but we can be certain that nothing catches our Father by surprise. He is attentive to our needs and is ALWAYS with us.

The smells of an Alabama country summer remind me of 2 Corinthians 2:15-17 For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are perishing...to the other the fragrance of life...in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God. Our simple trip together. Our lives for Christ. Not humanly perfect, yet still pleasing to our God. As much as we enjoy the clean fresh aromas as we go from place to place, our lives in Christ are a pleasant aroma to Him! Our heavenly Father! How beautiful is it that God, our Lord, is who He is and yet we please HIM?

Thank you, dear Jesus. I am especially grateful today. I pray our lives will always be a sweet savor to you. You are amazing! I love you utterly.


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