Monday, July 19, 2010

hoop jumping

It's been a really long day. After months of jumping through hoops with the Florida DMV we thought we had everything together so we could officially begin the journey, literally, down the road, of Kayla's possibly learning how to drive. We've submitted forms, gotten her eye exams, had letters written by her docs and talked on the phone to way more than one person about how to get from step A to step B. Then with letter in hand that said we had to take care of this before the 22nd of July, we find out they have approved Kayla to take the final driver's test with hand controls, etc! They won't do ANYTHING at all. So we wait while the supervisor's supervisor talks with the medical review board in Tallahassee to see what can possibly be done for us.

How hard is it to understand that we're not there yet. We just need a simple driver's learning permit so she can be EVALUATED to see if she is able to learn how to drive. Anyway to make an extremely frustrating and long experience shorter, we walked out with a 60 day permit to have her checked out and tested to see if she can even drive at all. Thank you, Lord!

But, that's the kicker...

With her disability comes challenges I've never had to face. Thinking about her driving freaks me out. Will she be able to be taught how to drive? Can she even keep a car on the road? Will there ever be a day when she's independent with her own transportation and home? In the natural, I just don't see it happening. My vision is weak on this one. I'm worried.

BUT, on the other hand...with God! All things are possible...He is the only hope for a new day for her. This girl has wanted physical independence her whole life. I sure hope it happens. I pray it happens. I know I should give no thought about what will happen tomorrow. The Lord has it all under control and He doesn't need my help to fix any of this. Still...worry nags at my heart, my mind. I'd like to see the future of this situation all laid out step by step with the Lord's answers for my questions. I feel like a pancake on this stuff. First, I flip this way--then I remember the truth and flip over that way. Yeah, I know. All those laid out answers just aren't going to happen. I need to talk to the Lord about this one.

Lord, I'm still fretting over this stuff and I don't like it. Fretting is stressful and useless. I know you are in control and there's nothing that escapes your attention. Please take this whole issue and work it out the way YOU want to work it out. It feels scary to say it that way but I really don't want to be in charge. I'm not that smart and certainly not that wise. Take care of Kayla, your way. Help me cast this burden on You. I love you, dear Father.


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