Monday, September 7, 2009

building relationship while building a chicken coop

Byron and I worked together today building a chicken coop for the chicks I want. I plan to let the chickens mosey over the yard eating bugs, etc. and I want their eggs. I don't want to butcher any of them. I just want to collect their eggs. And, if I'm really clear about who did what let's say that Byron built the coop and I helped.

My jobs were:

1. holding boards
2. handing him tools he asks for
3. nailing a few nails with a hammer (I really liked doing this part)
4. sighting boards to see if they are straight before he nails them
5. fetching food and drink when needed
6. helping clean up

I know I didn't really do a lot of the actual work we did today on the coop but it was fun for both of us. Yeah, even for Byron. We have a good time doing stuff together--even when I'm not that much help. I know he likes me out there with him because he tells me so but I know it also because of the way he acts while I'm there.

We laugh and talk. Sometimes we yell a little bit because he understands building stuff and I don't but it's OK because we're not mad, just loud. We discuss things other than the coop and chickens. We talk about what's going on in our circle of friends and family. We talk about stuff that bothers us. We laugh about the 60s music we have playing in the garage while we work and how Janis Joplin might have been talented but she sure did have a screaming singing style and how after 30 minutes it really starts to get on my nerves and I'd really like to listen to something else. You know, stuff like that.

It's not about the project itself, even though I will be excited when it's done and I have my little biddies to nurture and raise, and it's not about how skilled I am or how much work I actually do on it. It's about shared time together and a shared goal. It's about alone time with your best friend. It's about love and laughter and relationship. It's about fellowship, one with the other. It's about making memories and the future together.

My day today with Byron is a shadow, a type, of our relationship with Jesus. Fun, friendship, shared experiences, shared purpose, making memories, love, and the future with our elder brother, Jesus. The closer we draw to Jesus, the more we keep Him in the moment to moment of our lives, the sweeter our communication is with Him.

Although He certainly cares about our hurts and struggles, following Christ isn't only about serious stuff. It is absolutely about spending time with Him, practicing His presence at all times of the day and realizing that He is with Right now. Yes, even at 12:17 am when I can't sleep, AND at 5:30 am when I have to get up. I am aware that He promised never to leave us so that means he's here now. He likes spending time with us. What a dear friend! What a great thing it is to have Him with me even at this moment.

We are building relationship with the Lord even if all we can do is to "hold a couple of tools" or just realize that He is with us. It's not about what I can do for Him. It's about drawing closer to Him, learning to listen and recognizing what He's showing me or telling me to do or what lessons there are to learn. It's about enjoying His presence as I do with my best friend because Jesus is my very best friend. How I love to relax in the moment with Jesus. Wrap me in your arms, Jesus.

Oh Lord, I am tired tonight but what a good day I've had with my husband and with you! It's been fully fun! Thank you so much for Byron who loves me in spite of my faults. Thank you for loving me even more so! I am blessed. Help me to always be aware of your presence with me. I love you.


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