Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I love fires! We have a fireplace in our house that we use as often as we can. When we first built the house many years ago, we'd build a huge fire in the fireplace and drag our mattress into the family room. The whole family would sleep in there so we could enjoy it's warmth all night.

We also have a burn pit in our backyard where we put all our old tree limbs, boxes, scrap wood, etc to burn. Then, when it's full, on an overcast or drizzily day, Byron will light it and it burns high and bright. But that's not my favorite part of the fire. When it's burning so fiercely, the ashes fly, the smoke follows the wind and burns my eyes and throat, and I'm always on the move trying to avoid the excessive heat and debris.

My favorite part of a burn is when the light stuff, the leaves, twigs, small branches, boxes and papers are gone and all that's left are the logs from a tree or large boards and they are burning steady and hot. That's when I can pull up a chair, have a soda or coffee, and sit peacefully watching the embers pulse and glow and feel the constant warmth of the burn. It's a good place to sit alone, or with my husband, kids, or friends and think or talk about the important stuff of life. Conversation is usually quieter, deeper, than the usual day to day surface talk. Regrets are sometimes mentioned and new dreams are made and voiced. Poke the fire with a stick and it will flame up momentarily then settle back down into what it does best--burn hotly, intensely.

We have a fire in us. The fire of the Holy Spirit, that, as Jeremiah said, "is shut up in our bones," and as young Christians, we burn brightly with many flames, and often some ash and smoke. When I was younger I think I may have had more smoke and ashes than most. But now, as I'm coming to know the Lord more as my friend, as I'm learning to move close...and closer, to Him, I feel more like that fire of red hot embers. There isn't as much ash and debris, not as much smoke, there aren't as many flareups and the fire of the Lord burns deeply and steadily.

Proverbs 25:4 Take the impurities out of silver and the artist can produce a thing of beauty.

The Lord calls to us to know Him in this intense way. He will refine us with His fire. All the impurities, all the junk, will be removed and we will be fit for His perfect purpose.

Lord, burn out all that is useless and impure in my life. I want to be a vessel fit for your perfect purpose.

Above all, God is good.



Anonymous said...

Suz - WOW that is all I can say to that post....

I am also claiming your prayer and using it in my life.

Lord, burn out all that is useless and impure in my life. I want to be a vessel fit for your perfect purpose.

Love u

Anonymous said...

am i ever going to read a new blog entry....ever????

your adoring fan

Anonymous said...

Hi Suzy!

Where are you? You must be on another mission trip because you haven't written anything in a while... We miss you! Please come back!