Wednesday, May 20, 2009

our individuality

Sunday morning at the close of our church service we had prayer time up front. There were some who wanted someone to pray for them. There were some who came up to pray for those needing prayer. And there were those who just came up to pray individually. I stayed in my row and prayed from there. As I stood there talking to the Lord, I believe He brought something to my attention--the individuality of each person praying.

At least thirty people lined the front of the church. Some kneeling, spending time alone with the Lord in the moment. Some standing with arms raised high calling out to God for help or in praise. And some standing with heads bent low weighed down with their pain of this particular season.

I thought about how when we step out of the moment, when we close our eyes to the people next to us and shut out the thoughts of what the rest of the day will bring--when we really get alone with God--how He welcomes us into His presence. Therein lies the warmth of true camaraderie. We know the Lord loves us, but knowing that He really likes us, too, is precious. He doesn't disapprove. He doesn't dread my time with Him. He doesn't just put up with me. The Lord likes me! How great is that!

I looked at each one praying and thought about their needs. I didn't know the specifics of any one of them---but the Lord did. That young mom brought her need to God and He knew exactly how to help her. The older man brought his concerns to the Lord and the Lord met him right there with comfort and wisdom. The teens praying with the fervor of youth met with the Lord and He encouraged them with patience and kindness. My heart was troubled with thoughts of Hannah's health and possible surgery for her back. Even knowing the Lord orders the steps of the righteous, my heart was heavy and I was scared for her. The Lord tells us to trust Him. It's been my favorite theme, a foundation in my faith for a long time. Sunday morning, I was scared. I know to trust. I know the Lord is trustworthy, yet I was afraid.

So, I shut out life around me and drew close to Jesus, and in His patience, He reaffirmed His trustworthiness. By His hand my trust in Him was refreshed. The Lord met me right at the point of my need--at the deepest point of my vulnerability. He knows we are but dust, and yet, that's what the Lord does for each of us when we call on Him. Each person, unique. Each need, critical. Every one, met by the Lord.

Nobody is too "different" for the Lord. He loves us--He likes us-- all!

Thank you, Lord, for your patience with me. Thank you for meeting our needs, for calming our fears, for being our Lord and our friend. I'm so glad you like us! I love you, Father. I love you.



Baker Betty said...

yoohoo...where's the latest ma?

Baker Betty said...

patience is a virtue,, where's the new entry???

Anonymous said...

we miss you!

Anonymous said...

Are you taking a break for the summer?

Patti SUe said...

Where has my Suzy gone? Miss reading your blog... Please come back!