Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I know. It's been a while and I've got no excuses. In fact, I haven't been sure myself why I have been so quiet except that the second anniversary of my mom's death was June 17 and my mind was preoccupied with missing her. So, that's where I'll leave the blame.

It's been a pretty good summer so far. So many rainy days though. Reminds me of when we moved here in 1967. Yes, I said, 1967. Many moons ago. Seems then the weather pattern was what it had been for a long time. Hot days, afternoon thunderstorms, cooler evenings and gorgeous sunsets. It took us a little while to not be surprised at the intensity and how short lived the thunderstorms were. Something that dramatic should last a lot longer than 30-45 minutes. But they rarely did. Anyway, seems a lot like old times lately with our daily storms.

I've done a little cooking with the grandgirls and my daughter since they've been out of school. Baked a few desserts, learned how to make a pretty good pasta for homemade lasagna, laughed a lot and grew closer together. Spent time sitting on the front porch swing talking, reminiscing and subtly teaching a lesson or two, and sharing a bit of wisdom here and there when appropriate.

Byron and I are planning a couple of trips this summer; a motorcycle tour with a purpose with friends from church. We will ride up the coast to the mountains stopping every couple of hundred miles to pray for our church and our community. It's going to be hot. Oh, it will be soooo hot. I'm hoping the good times with one another and the Lord will lessen the effect of the heat. We are also planning to visit some dear friends of ours in Tennessee. We've known them for many years, since we were teens. In fact, she was our teen class Sunday School teacher. And as a couple they entertained our teen group with many Saturday nights at their home for food and fun. We love them so and can't wait to see them and visit with them again . Lord willing Byron will go on a men only mission trip to Cuba later in August. It will be his second trip there. It should be a good trip. A little different than the last one but still good.

The days are whizzing by this season. Every day is jam packed with activity and busy-ness. I feel like I'm on a ride that won't slow down. I want to get off but there's no chance of that happening any time soon, so I guess I'll just hang on a little tighter and keep riding.

When the ride seems too intense I remember that "the steps of the righteous are ordered of the Lord." As long as He is in charge, I'm OK. Nobody loves me more than Jesus. Nobody cares about me more than Jesus. I'm good with that.

Father, Thank you for the quiet days with my girls. Thank you for the peace I have in my heart with you. Thank you for summer thunderstorms and gorgeous sunsets. Thank you for this specially designed, just for me, ride. I love you so.


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