Monday, January 26, 2009

day three--our first work day in Jamaica

It was our first work day on the mountain today. We started with an early breakfast and devotions and then it was time to head out to start on the driveway. Those who are working on the road got busy placing rocks around the forms and cutting steel. Some of the others worked on various projects like installing smoke detectors in the children's houses, electrical work and repair on furniture. A few of the women and younger ones painted a wall on one of the houses. I worked in the kitchen and helped distribute the things our group collected for the home. That meant one million steps down to the houses and then two million steps back up again. When you're here if you're not walking uphill, you're walking downhill.

It was a good day and then we ate a delicious supper of rice, beans and fried snapper and salad. Afterward, we entertained one another telling funny, but true stories. We heard a few about the pastor and some about Byron. We laughed a lot. It was great fun. Afterward, Glenda, Leslie, Rhonda and I washed a mountain of dishes. It was an immense amount but we finished them all with the exception of one sticky rice pot. We'll clean that one up in the morning.

Mission trips are a lot of work. Bodies are pushed to their limit and extra efforts are made to complete the task at hand. Mission trips are also a lot of fun. There's always laughing somewhere. Relationships are made and strengthened. Spiritual walks are deepened and our hearts are opened up to people we might never have met were it not for the trip. We are encouraged to hear what the Lord is saying to us this week. We know He's always speaking, we just make an extra effort to tune our hearts to His voice during our week away from home.

It's been a different trip this time because some of our usual friends that travel with us on these trips aren't here for one reason or another. Friends, you know who you are dearly missed.

The Lord is certainly good to us. I appreciate him more and more every day.

Thank you, Father. What a blessing it is to be here on the mountain serving you. I love you so much.



Angie said...

It's nice to get to read your updates this time! It feels like you all aren't really that far away :-) Enjoy the rest of your week!

Suz said...

Thanks Angie. I'm enjoying the updating. It helps me to keep track what's going on each day, too. :)