Thursday, February 14, 2008

dark glasses and glimpses

When I first began my "journey into maturity," the big M, (read: menopause) I thought it would never end. Gail Sheehy writes in her book, New Passages, about times during the change when one would have "flashes of clarity," when the fogginess of a menopausal brain would lift, energy would return for a split nanosecond and all would be right with the world, if only for a moment. They would show us what would be the norm after all was said and done with menopause. She writes that these glimpses into sanity, these lightening quick shards of normalcy, would be catalysts to help propel us along with hope that better times "they are a' comin." I had some of those wonderful moments when I could see the light at the end of the tunnel and it wasn't a train. I was again a nice, competent, energetic, clear thinking woman. They encouraged me, kept me hopeful and I looked for the day when I would again be myself, only better. These glimpses, these windows into my future, were exciting and gave me peace because I knew that one day, everything would be all right.

Similarly, the other night, a friend shared with me that at his age of about 60 the Lord is calling him in the future to some exciting new things in his life involving a trip to another country far, far away. He doesn't have the full view yet so he couldn't give me any details. All he knows is that the Lord is showing him something exciting about his future and it's good. He can't see it exactly. The glass is dark, but occasionally he catches sight of something wonderful. He asks what he can still do for the Lord. He wonders how the Lord can possibly use him, but because of this short preview and because he knows that God has all the plans, he is hopeful and looking forward to what will take place with Him.

Sound familiar? 1 Cor 13:12 For now we see things in a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now my knowledge is in part; then it will be complete, even as God's knowledge of me.

I believe this verse applies to many things in our lives, for example; how the Lord works in circumstances we may not understand yet, how things will be in heaven when we get there, and in this case, how the Lord will use us while we live for him now.

God opens up a tiny sliver of light which gives us hope and shows us what will one day take place in our lives for Him. We are encouraged by His speaking to us, yet we are humbled to realize that even though we may not be in our physical prime, we are useful to the Lord in ways we never dreamed possible. For with God all things are possible.

I've had a few of these flashes of insight into my future and they stir my spirit. Like my friend, I don't have many details, but I don't need many. Knowing the Lord has something specific for me to do, even though I don't know exactly what it is, fleshes it out in my heart. Faith makes it full and satisfying. I don't have to know all the ins and outs of what will happen for I have caught a glimpse through this dark glass. Just because I cannot see it clearly, doesn't mean it's not there. Just because I don't have dates, times and events, doesn't mean the Lord isn't planning for me. My heart is full of anticipation at the what future holds with God.

Jeremiah 29: 11-14 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you," declares the Lord..."

The Lord has plans for us all. Of course it won't be a foreign land for everyone of us, but rest assured, whatever it is, it will be uniquely exciting and interesting to you. Seek Him. Catch a glimpse through the dark glass. Life with Christ--what an adventure!

I love you all.


Anonymous said...

Hey Suz,check out Philippians 4. 6,7 I read this morning,its neat how God is always working in our lives.God Bless

Suz said...

Great verses! I love the rest we find when we trust the Lord with our present and our future. Knowing our Father is active in all areas of our lives and letting them rest on Him is the key to a supernaturally peaceful heart.

Thanks for your comment.