Friday, January 4, 2008

willful pups and willful hearts

We have 3 chihuahuas; Treasure, Blue and Chico. Two of them were pretty badly behaved until a few weeks ago when I began watching the Dog Whisperer on tv. Now, I have only 1 badly behaved, (read: spoiled). pup. In trying to get a handle on their menacing behavior, I've learned a few things about attitude and moldability (is that a real word?).

At first, and for the longest time, the most aggressive of the 3 was Blue, a rescue we adopted about 5 years ago. He started out just an ankle-biter and before you know it, he was a snarling, nipping, little attack dog with a horrible snap. I thought he loved us and wanted to protect us, but Caesar (dog whisperer) says he was fulfilling the leader of the pack role we were supposed to take.

After a few "ch-s", coupled with some "finger" bites", the magic worked. Suddenly, Blue listens to me. He settles down when I make the sound. He calmly walks back to his pillow when the vaccuum is running instead of attacking it. Most importantly, my granddaughters can enter the room while he is in his crate without it sounding like the Tasmanian devil is in the cage. He is becoming a more pleasant, enjoyable pet. Someday, he won't be an ankle biter at all.

Treasure, on the other hand, isn't submitting to this "big dog" quite as easily, I'm afraid. She's a very spoiled daddy's girl. Byron comforts her when she's upset that she can't have a cookie, or when she's agitated about a 'stranger' in the yard. She sleeps on his side of the bed and sits by his side in the evenings. The only time she's mama's girl is when daddy isn't around. I am definitely second fiddle. The vaccuum killer isn't as strong in her anymore and sometimes I can get her to back down at the front door when someone knocks, but she will certainly bite my hand if I try to take away her cookie to show her who's boss. She is a willful little dog and will not give in easily to being led by anyone. She will take more time and consistancy.

Without disrespecting anyone, I find some similarities in spiritual growth and my pups changing from leaders to followers. I have been Blue in my attitude. I have been the obedient child who heard God's voice and did His will. There was order and peace in my heart because I trusted the Lord. The times I trusted Him allowed for more confidence and thus, more peace. There is no experience like that of obedience to the Lord of our lives.

I have also been Treasure when the Lord directed me to change a behavior or attitude, or fix a wrong and I resisted, insisting that I was going to do it my way. The Lord in his wisdom, continued to correct, firmly and with love, never losing his temper with His willful child. His consistancy and love was what was necessary. Even still, I didn't always listen. I would fight to have my own way, to do what I wanted, when I wanted, and it never, brought peace. It always brought turmoil and fear and sadness because I knew it wasn't right. And, as God's children, we want to do the right thing, even while fighting to do what's wrong. It's a battle of the will. There we are, wanting to do God's bidding, but declaring we will do it our way. There can be no peace until we submit to the Lord's loving leadership.

Repentance for a willful spirit isn't always easy, but it is always lovely, because the forgiveness of the Lord is always lovely. I don't want to learn any 'hard' lessons this year. Help me to listen to you, and to follow your direction quickly, Lord. I want to grow in your grace.

I love you all.

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