Friday, April 11, 2014

Vivid dreams can come after a late night meal,
or sometimes they come from God

Suzanne Adams
March 2014

The Journey

          It is midnight and I am walking all alone on a dark road.  There are thick woods on either side of the straight road.  I am headed toward home that is at the end of the long road. 
          As I walk I can only see one step at a time.  The black of the night frightens me and I am afraid of what might be just ahead.
          After walking for a few minutes, a floating, dark, ugly head with no body, comes out of the woods about shoulder height, directly toward me. 
          It wrenches and twists grotesquely.  It snarls and snaps at me with misshapen, jagged teeth.  I am startled and fearful.  Apprehension grips my heart--and yet, I walk on. 
          I cannot see His face or form but at the very second the awful thing is about to get me, to hurt me, Someone loving and protective disintegrates it like ashes from a fire, crumbling to the ground.  Completely gone.
          I continue on my way one step at a time, relieved the thing is gone.
          A few minutes more on the road and the second thing springs out of the night just above my head on my other side.  This one is dark with no definite shape, twisting and writhing--threatening.  It is as frightening as the first.  I am startled and again fearful.  Apprehension grips my heart--and yet, I walk on. 
          At the very second the twisting shape is about to hurt me, the same protective, loving Someone disintegrates it as the first one, like ashes crumbling to the ground.  Completely harmless.  Completely gone. 
          Relieved that the thing is gone, I continue on my way. 
          Frightening things continue to come at me every few minutes as I travel the straight road but always at just the right time they crumble as ashes on the ground, never harming me. There are many but each one is different and every time a new one appears I am protected by Someone.
I am never harmed.  I am fearful, but I am never hurt.        
          My dream ends before I reach home. 
          My final destination is yet to come. 

I told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have trouble, but be brave! I have defeated the world.  John 16:33 NCV

What I Think My Dream Means
          I think the road I am on is my life, my walk with Christ.  I am alone because our walk with the Lord is personal and no one can walk it for us.  It is a straight way of undetermined length but with a definite destination.  The night speaks to me of not knowing what's "out there," in life, for me.  Thick woods, especially at night, scare me because I don't know what harmful things are in there.  Not knowing is frightening to me. 
          We read in scripture that our steps are "ordered of the Lord."  We take steps of faith one at a time.  The Bible says, "from faith to faith."  In my dream, I'm walking these steps one at a time in all the light I have. 
          The attacks are frightening but not disabling.  I still function.  I still walk though fearful.  I worry.  Each and every time I think I'm about to be harmed by these "scary things,"  Someone loving and protective, The Lord, crumbles them.  The scary things are but ashes with no real strength or power.  Over and over I am attacked on my journey by paper tigers.  

This dream is a reassuring comfort at a time in my life when my family and I have come through a long season of much turmoil and heartache.  I believe the Lord is saying, I've protected you through all your troubles and I will protect you until you're home.  Sometimes I'm afraid but there is no need to be.  Fear is useless when we have faith in Jesus.
I believe the Lord is reassuring me that even though troubles come hard and often, He protects me and no harm comes to the real me.  My body is scared but my spirit is safe in Him.  He is my protector and my Savior.  He is the One who will bring me home even on the final leg of my journey.   

Father, Thank you for your protection until the end of my earthly journey.  You're a wonderful protector and the lifter of my head.  I love you.


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