As upsetting as all this physical stuff could be, it's also kind of interesting to watch it step by step. I see all this happening. The wrinkles, bumps, bulges and expanding places. Pieces and parts running for the border. Gray hairs popping up in the oddest places. Extra chins blossoming faster than I care to admit and a tummy that's racing for the finish line like its life depends on it. And it just won't stop! I could probably head it off at the pass with dieting and exercise, if I had the gumption, or the energy, or the want-to. But I don't. It's that simple. I don't.
There was a time when I had all of the above: gumption, energy and want-to. I'd diet till the cows came home and I'd exercise like a crazy woman. OK, I've never really exercised like a crazy woman. I hate exercise. It bores me and besides, it makes me tired. I know I'm supposed to have more energy when I exercise regularly but I've never had the pleasure of gaining all the over the top energy boost. It has NEVER happened for me.
This aging stuff isn't for sissies. I've never been this old before and sometimes it's pretty scary. One wrong move--a fall, a slip, anything out of the ordinary, and I could be messed up for a long time. I don't have time to be messed up for a long time!
My other best friend recently had some chest pain and had herself checked out. It turned out not to be a heart attack but just seeing the words, "not a heart attack," on the email from my dear friend since I was 9 years old shook me to my very core. Seriously, it upset me a lot. C'mon! We're not old enough for heart stuff, are we?
Oh. We are.
Yes, I read the obits last week and saw a former classmate had died...and the one before that...and the one before that.
I don't want to be incapacitated. I want to stay active and live a vital, vibrant life. And I try. I really do. I participate in extra activities often. I don't sit around a lot. But I'm telling ya that it gets harder every passing year to push to do "fun stuff." It doesn't always seem worth the effort. The older I get, the more I'm understanding why older people start staying closer and closer to home. It's just easier...and not really so bad, either.
Aging. Getting older. Getting old. Old lady. Staying active and vital and vibrant. It's a tough walk. The mind shouts one thing and the body whispers another. "Get out! Have fun! Be with friends and family! You'll love it!" versus "I'm tired. That swing looks nice. Let's have a little dinner and talk. Think I'll chill here at home."
I gotta say that life sure changes as the years pass. Some seasons are longer than others--or maybe they just feel that way. I'm curious to watch how my current season will play out. It makes me very glad to know that "the steps of the righteous are ordered of the Lord."
Thank you, Lord for ordering my steps. Help me enjoy full advantage of what you have for me. I don't want to miss anything you've planned! I ask you for energy and diligence for every day life and serving you. I love you so very much.