Thursday, November 26, 2009

thankfulness for the simple things

It was a really good day today. Thanksgiving Day. A day for family, friends and feasting. For evaluating. For gratitude to the Lord for his goodness and His bounty. For laughter. For memories of past holidays with family who have gone on. For tears. For contentment with what we have. For peace of mind and heart.

Having recently returned from a mission trip I have noticed my personal "requirements" much less than they might have been before the trip.

Before: I'd have to have my brand of diet soda with lots of ice. After: clean water, preferably cold but not necessary.

Before: I had to have a perfect shower with clean, hot water. After: shower, cold? doesn't matter.

Before: I had to have my hair done just so. makeup perfect. the right clothes. After: clean hair. no makeup. comfy, clean, cool clothing.

Before: I was picky and sometimes complaining because of little inconveniences. After: not so particular and easily satisfied with much less than before.

There's something about not having every little detail exactly how one wants it, when one wants it, and not being able to get it, to help me realize just how little we actually need. Since the trip, I find myself much more content with way less than I thought was absolutely NEEDED. It's a nice feeling, contentment is. It feels safe and well-taken care of. It's an "I may not have all my wants and demands and it's perfectly fine with me. I'll substitute. I'll make do. I'll do without. And I'm good with it." Having said all this, then came Thanksgiving--

Most years at Thanksgiving and Christmas, I become very flustered and stressed out about family dinners and wanting every detail to be perfect, but it was different this year. The mood--ok, my mood--was more relaxed. Our meal today was delicious and abundant and even though my perfectionism gene was more laid back this year (maybe because of the mission trip), we had our usual T-day meal and it was a doozy: Roasted turkey breast, cornbread and herb dressing, mashed potatoes with cream cheese added, candied sweet potato casserole, deviled eggs, gravy, fruit salad, green beans, fresh green salad, orange cranberry relish, rutabaga, rolls, butter and sausage balls, with Coca cola cake, vanilla ice cream, and 3 different pies (pumpkin, homemade sweet potato, and Dutch apple), peppermint bark, and pretzel bark for dessert. My girls and I pulled it all together. Yep. That was our outrageous, usual holiday meal. Such a list of foods and we still didn't have a couple of dishes we'd have had if Mom were still with us, but it all was tasty and I wasn't uptight about getting it all together this year. I started cooking the night before and worked steadily all day on the food. Byron helped me around the house so all I had to concentrate on was kitchen duty. He made the bed, picked up things, vacuumed the floor, took out the trash and just did whatever else that needed doing. What a great help he was! I'd have been a basket case if he hadn't pitched in to help.

The kids were happy and occupied with fun. Summer and Sid took a ride around the neighborhood on the mule (a vehicle, not an animal) with their Papa. He also let them drive it around the yard some and then they spent time in the coop with the chickens. Hannah helped in the kitchen with some of the finishing up details and watched a little tv on the side. Amy pitched in to get dinner on the table. We made Holly rest because she's still recuperating from her surgery a few weeks ago. The guys talked and played Wii and the atmosphere was fun and lively.

Even as I remember these things, they almost sound too good to be true, don't they? But, they're not. Our family has its share of trauma and drama just like every other family in the world, but on this day, with my kids and their spouses and their own kids, and Kayla and her dad, my brother, at our house, I was a happy woman.

I thank the Lord for these obvious blessings and I also thank Him for the ones that aren't so in my face. Oh, they're there, just not so evident to the whole world--like a peaceful attitude for me while getting ready for the festivities--a priceless gift in itself!

I hope you all had a great and gratitude filled day today, too. I'm very thankful for mine. It was a blast!

Thank you, Father, for this excellent day. I appreciate your presence that was so evident in our lives this evening and the lack of stress in my day today. Thank you for a delicious meal, for great dessert, for time with those I love so very much. Lord, I don't want to sound sappy, but I am ever grateful for each blessing you've supplied to us. What a great thing! The Lord and Savior of the whole world stooped down to help me today! I am gratefully blessed beyond measure and I love you for it. I love you so very very much.



Diane Mann said...

What a wonderful blog. It was written through the lens of someone who has the heart of a missionary. How beautiful. Then it was penned from heart of someone who loves their family and all that it entails. Lastly, it was definitely written from a thankful heart that is infectious. May we all remember the really important things in life. Thanks again for sharing you with your readers.

Diane Mann, D.Min.

Suz said...

Pastor Diane, I appreciate your kind comments so very much. The Lord is amazing in his specific, just-for-us, care. Isn't he? What a Saviour! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. It means a lot to me.
