Saturday, May 11, 2013


I'm feeling peaceful tonight for the first time in a while.  I'm not going to question it with "Why" and "What's next?"  My heart is calm, my spirit is light, and even though not much has changed, I'm going to enjoy it.  There's something comforting about today.  Maybe I read just the right inspirational quote.  Maybe  my perspective is shifting to a  more positive one.  Maybe the Lord is simply answering prayer.

Please understand, today has still had its challenges.  I haven't been in a calm state all day long.  I don't think I've ever been in a calm state a whole day in my whole life.  I'm tightly wired in many ways, but this evening after spending time with good friends, it just seems like my view of issues is clearing up and I'm settling in to accept a few things and hold tightly to others.

I have limitations.
No matter how perfect I want something to go, it may not happen perfectly, but it will still be OK.
While I may have influence in some areas, people will do what they will do.
I can only control how I act or react.
With the Lord as my helper, I will get through anything this life delivers.
My family is absolutely precious to me.
I am completely blessed.
If nothing ever changes for the good here on Earth, one day I will be in heaven and all this will fade away.
Jesus is my truest friend.

And, that's it.  It's been a good day and a good evening.  The Lord is in his heaven and all's right with the world.  Thank you, Jesus.  I love you.


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