Thursday, February 5, 2009

laying down hearts with burdens

I've felt agitated since we've been home. Not exactly peace-less. More like antsy. Bothered. Worried? I'm not sure. But it isn't very comfortable. It's like I need to concentrate. To formulate. Contemplate. I'm frowning a lot. I have a lot of things on my mind. Broken hearted little girls. Sick and lonely children in faraway places. Financial woes of friends. Waning lives of elderly friends and family members. Aches and pains of those I love. Poor decisions by young people I care about.

A body could become weighed down with all this on her mind. This one has. I have a distant friend who says she's heavy hearted. So, all her friends and family are encouraging her in the Lord for guidance, rest, peace and strength. I encouraged her in the rest of the Lord.

Matt 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30.For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

It's true. Resting in the Lord when life is smooth is a breeze. We lay our hearts down at his feet and gaze lazily at the blue skies and rainbows knowing He is taking perfect care of us. And so we rest.

It can seem like a whole 'nother thing when our minds rush from one hurt to another and our hearts are pitched back and forth worrying and fretting about how a heartrending situation is going to play out in the end. Will it go this way? Or, that way? Many times we just don't know. Sometimes it's good. Sometimes, not so much.

How do we find heart rest when turmoil is all around us? We find it the same way we do when life is smooth. We lay our hearts down, with all its woes and cares and heartaches, at his feet and know that He is taking perfect care of us. There is no difference in how the Lord cares for us in smooth times or rough times. It's all the same to Him. It is we who must lay our cares before Him. He does all things well, all the time.

Isaiah 26:3 You, Lord, give true peace to those who depend on you, because they trust you.

In the sunshiney, blue-skyed days and in the heavy, dark days, we must keep our hearts and minds stayed upon Him, because it is in Him, we find true peace.

Lord Jesus, I need your peace tonight. My heart hurts for many friends and much family. I can't solve their problems, heal their wounds, or fix them in any way--but you can--so I lay each one of my worries at your feet. I give them to you, Lord. I want rest. Your rest. I love you so much. Thank you for relieving my mind and my heart of their burdens. They are yours now. I trust you, Lord. I trust you.


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