Sunday, November 9, 2008

finding God

We sing this beautiful chorus in church:

The more I seek you, the more I find you.
The more I find you, the more I love you.
I wanna sit at your feet, drink from the cup in your hand,
lay back against you and breathe. Feel your heartbeat.

This love is so deep, it's more than I can stand.
I melt in your peace. It's overwhelming.

When we sing this song, it's as though all the cares of the day fall away and as I do what the song says, worship follows. Seeking God. Finding him. Loving him. Sitting with him. Accepting what he gives with his own hand. Resting in him. Saturating in his love. In the midst of this worship, I melt into his perfect peace.

It doesn't get any better than this. So why do I often struggle in setting aside time from my busy day to find this peace and rest. There is nothing more important than spending time with the Lord to be strengthened and renewed and yet it seems like an indulgence. It's as though my heart wants to stop but my mind says that the time would be more productive spent running errands or doing laundry. How foolish!

There is no errand, no laundry, there is nothing so important that worship should take second place, or third or fourth place. My mind goes a million miles a minute worrying about one thing or another. A sick or brokenhearted friend. Financial woes of another friend. Trouble in a family member's household. My health. Your health. The list goes on and on...and that's the problem. There is no help for these issues in worry and fretting. There is no help for these things from trust in false gods, false doctrines, or solutions the world gives. Real help comes from trusting the Lord Jesus with all these things.

The Lord does not play games with our needs. He doesn't hide, making us work to find Him. When we seek Him, we find Him. When we find Him, we love Him. The Lord is easy to be found. Refreshment for our weary minds and hearts is there for the receiving.

Oh Father, I want to lay back against you and breathe. I want to feel your heartbeat. Help me melt in your overwhelming peace. I love you so much.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I keep returning to this particular post because there are times when life seems completely out of control and I don’t quite know which way to turn or what I should do next. That is when I come back to this entry, listen once again to the beautiful words of this song, and breathe in the calmness of your writing. I then know to turn to His words and reason returns to a hectic day and peace flows through my pounding heart.

Words have never been easy for me to arrange in their suitable order. I am grateful that you have the unique gift to place words in their proper order to help make sense of this confusing world. It is so amazing to realize that we do not have to wait to die to be in God’s arms. We can lean back and feel His presence…always.

I love you,