Wednesday, June 11, 2008

good friends and warm moments

I've been reading The Sacred Romance, Drawing Closer to the Heart of God, by Brent Curtis and John Eldredge and it is a deeply moving book. Although only halfway through it, I've come to tears several times because of how closely I've identified with much of what is written.

My favorite passage at the moment is this, "The story that is the Sacred Romance begins not with God alone, the Author at his desk, but God in relationship, intimacy beyond our wildest imagination, heroic intimacy. The Trinity is at the center of the universe; perfect relationship is the heart of all reality. Think of your best moments of love or friendship or creative partnership, the best times with family or friends around the dinner table, your richest conversations, the acts of simple kindness that sometimes seem like the only things that make life worth living. Like the shimmer of sunlight on a lake, these are reflections of the love that flows among the Trinity. We long for intimacy because we are made in the image of perfect intimacy."

I had some of these warm, intimate moments this past week with my friend, Rosemary. We've known one another since we were in 3rd grade so there are no illusions, no facades, and no charades with us. We laughed about past experiences with our other longtime best friend Alice, and we cried together for the grief we felt at the loss of family. We ate together and we shopped together. We marveled at how much we don't know and then talked of the beauty of the Lord and how He's changing us both. We reminisced and we planned future visits. It was a good week.

Good times with family and friends--what gifts from God! I am truly blessed.

Thank you, Lord. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THAT BOOK!!! Me and my husband have both read that book this year and have made alot of changes in the area of family. We are spending more time with our immediate family and mending relationships with his two older children, its an amazing feeling!!

Love you