I need You Jesus to come to my rescue. Where else can I go? There's no other Name
by which I am saved. Capture me with grace. I will follow You
I have been rescued many times in my life. My mother rescued me often as a baby from harm that might have happened had she not been vigilant in caring for me. Staying with me when I was in the bathtub. Making sure my food was cool enough before feeding it to me. Moving obstacles I could have fallen over when I was learning to walk. Keeping me away from a hot stove or electrical outlet. When I was a teen she gave me boundaries that rescued me from the potential danger of bad influences and harmful situations. She rescued me often because she loved me.
My ultimate rescue was by the Lord when He saved me at a young age and He continues to help me and keep me from harm just as He promised He would do. Just knowing He is my advocate, my help, my rescuer brings peace like nothing else in this world. Knowledge like this is too wonderful for me. Very God is my rock and my shield for which I am humbled and grateful. He only is my rock and my salvation: He is my defense: I shall not be moved. In God is the rock of my salvation: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. Ps 62:6-7
But there are those for whom my heart breaks. Poor, sad, broken ones who have no such hope. No advocate. No rescuer. They move from trouble to trouble. Disaster to disaster without insight, without wisdom, without purpose save the next few moments of intentional high so they can try to escape their desperate lives. They are driven by a taskmaster whose only goal is to steal, to kill, to destroy.
I have often prayed for them in their brokenness and, in the past, I have been specific in the ways I've asked the Lord to help them. "Lord, please don't allow them to get together with the wrong friends. Lord, don't let them go to jail. Lord, do this. Lord, don't do that." As though I have the wisdom to know what's the best way for them to be set free. Well, I don't know. Only God knows what it will take for him, for her to be set free. My friends, my family need rescue. They need the rescue that only Jesus gives. In His time. In His way.
In a way, it's a scary prayer to pray. I cannot direct how and when and where. It's got to be His way. The Lord is plenty able to take care of the situation and He loves them more than I ever could. So, tonight, that's what I pray.
Jesus, rescue my loved ones--in your time, in your way, whatever it takes.
We need you, Jesus, to come to our rescue. Where else can we go? There's no other name by which we are saved. Capture us with grace. We will follow you...